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Mobile HV AC Test System

Mobile HV AC Test System

Mobile HV AC Test System

On-site transformer testing is the main application of Power Diagnostix' mobile high voltage AC test system. However, it can be used as well for other on-site testing, such as of GIS, rotating machines, or high voltage cables.

The system stays within the load and size limitations for permission-free road use. Additionally, the matching transformer and the reactor are filled with ester instead mineral oil. Thus, it can be easily transported to a substation, power plant, or other high voltage areas for testing HV components after installation or repair. Additionally, it is applicable for condition assessment and fault investigations. PD measurements can be performed in non-shielded environments as part of the on-site acceptance test on a power transformer, or as a method to locate PD failures acoustically, or by electrical measurement.

It is designed for performing routine and special tests according to standards as IEC 60060-3, IEC 60076, and IEEE Standard C57.113-2010 and, thus, giving accurate and reliable test results as known from acceptance tests performed in a static test field of a factory.

Applicable Tests:

  • Applied voltage tests in a resonant circuit up to a test level of 500 kV
  • Induced voltage test (single- or threephase) up to a test level of 90 kV.
  • Electrical and acoustical partial discharge (PD) measurements
  • Measurement of no load losses
  • Heat run with up to 1.3 MVA

Measuring Equipment:

Quadrupoles, couplers, preamplifiers, calibrators, and further accessories are also included.

Main component of the Power Diagnostix mobile HV AC test system is a frequency converter based on the IGBT technology, that provides the power in a frequency range of 15 to 200 Hz. It consists of three identical converters that can be operated in parallel (0° phase shift) or as a three-phase system (120° phase shift). Thus, always the full power of the converter can be used. The system comes with an inductive and capacitive compensation, and with a step-up-transformer, that can be switched manually to different configurations. Disturbances from the power supply will be filtered by Power Diagnostix T-Filter TVC 100/123. The special design of these filters allows current measurement on HV potential and voltage measurement from a capacitive divider. Both, current and voltage measurements, are DAkkS-calibrated and the precise values are displayed by a power analyzer.

Tests can be performed with the container placed on a trailer (additional stairs are included) or on the ground. The system includes all cables for HV connections as well as corona shields for the HV bushings. Thus, it is ready to use.

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