Federal Pacific Encapsulated 600 V Class Transformers
Federal Pacific Encapsulated 600 V Class Transformers
Federal Pacific is a major manufacturer of dry-type transformers which serve the industrial, construction, commercial, mining, OEM and utility markets. Its 600 volt class offering includes industrial control transformers, encapsulated/compound filled general purpose and buck-boost transformers, ventilated designs for general purpose applications, electrostatically shielded transformers and a complete line of motor drive isolation transformers.
- Totally enclosed, non-ventilated
- UL® listed for indoor/outdoor use
- 115° C temperature rise
- Standard voltages in stock
- Three-phase 3 through 15 kVA
- Buck/boost 50 vA through 5 kVA
- Single-phase 50 vA through 15 kVA